Staffords Of Note - Famous Staffords

This blog is for notes about various individuals of some note with the Stafford surname.

My Photo
Location: Temecula, California, United States

I've been a technology & science geek since I saw the Apollo Moon landing in 3rd grade Summer school. Radar tech at 17 years old, 21 tears in Telecommunications, building web sites in Blogger & Wordpress, PC repair, and lately, studying and teaching Information Technology. I'm a one-tour Air Force veteran and a member of Civil Air Patrol. I have written poetry for nearly two decades, and I draw and paint a bit. Married for 19 years (so far) with one son and one stepson. I'm also a bookworm from way, way back, and love hard science fiction, space operas, and fantasy.

E-mail me about a famous Stafford you'd like to see here:

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Available books of poetry by Daniel A. Stafford:

Battle For New Orleans
Battle For New Orleans Cover
Royalties go to Katrina charity.

On The Breeze

20 Wind & Environmental poems

In Season

84 Winter/Holiday poems

On God's Doorstep

Poetry/photography of a beautiful place

The Poetry Baker's Dozen

13 poems all around life

The Beach Poems

At the edge of sand and surf

Ghosts of the Fall

54 poems of Halloween & the Fall season

To view a listing of all my books as they are released click HERE

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

My personal fovorite will be the first:

William Stafford -

The original "Congressional consultant on poetry" which is now known as the Poet Laureate of the United States. Mr. Stafford has written many amazing poems, for many years writing at least one poem per day. Here are several sites about William Stafford:

My favorite poem by William Stafford - "When I Met My Muse":